Jeff Farris
As a parent, I agree to receive the Sports Esteem Email Newsletter and to read the book Building All-Star Kids. During the season, I will:

  1. Emphasize fun. I will create a positive and fun environment for my child to promote life skills and good health.

  2. Not pressure my child to participate. I will help my child develop internal motivation and love of the game. I will not pressure my child into participating.

  3. Encourage learning and development. I will work to educate myself and my child about the game so that my child can get the best exposure to the sport.

  4. Emphasize fair play by the rules. I will always insist that my child plays fairly and by the rules.
    Help the coach achieve team goals. I will work with the coaches to help my child develop a mastery of the skills and an appreciation for team contributions. I will work to help the coach achieve the goals and objectives that have been defined for the team.

  5. Let the coach control the game. I will not yell instructions to my child from the sidelines or give my child instructions counter to the those of the coach.

  6. Express only positive comments and attitude. I will be a positive role model for my child. I will show emotional maturity by controlling my anger and never using obscene language or gestures. I will show a positive attitude toward the game and all its participants. I will not argue or yell about a referee's call.

  7. Demonstrate good sportsmanship. I will treat everyone fairly and with respect. I will set high standards for my child to follow. I will respect the importance and contributions of volunteer coaches.

I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct and agree to follow its guidelines at all league activities. I understand that if I do not follow this Code of Conduct, I may be asked to leave the league activity (such as a game or practice) or I may be asked to withdraw my child from the league.

Player Name(s) (printed)
Parent Name (printed)
Parent Signature
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