Jeff Farris
If only every coach could write this at the end of a youth sports season...

"It never gets old. Not just winning, but working with this group of young men. My experience is augmented by the level of parental participation and excitement. We are truly blessed to be able to be a part of such a great group of boys and parents.

Congratulations to all! Special thanks to Tom and Sam for handling the base coaching (the most integral part of the game) and for Bill for his part-time base coaching (but more for his purchase of actual bases for use at practice!).

I am most proud that all of the boys contributed to each winning effort. It seemed that if ever one part of a player's game was down, he would turn around and perform in other aspects of the game. Just good, balanced effort throughout the entire season.

And what about Cash's two incredible backhanded catches (one in left field and one at third base) in addition to his "controversial" home run in the final game!!!! Lucas's grimacing face as he stared down runners on third. Landon as he snagged throws to get runners out on first. William and his lead-off hitting and snazzy base running. Wills' glove and pitching efforts. Will's final eight innings of shut-out pitching. Patrick's always steady at bats and hustle. Jude's heads-up play and wipe-out slides at home plate. Pearce's numerous throw-outs from right field to first base. Bo's good eye at the plate. Alex's courage to hang in there (especially on Saturday when he wasn't feeling his best!). Dash's willingness to play any position. Jake's goalie-like blocks behind the plate. Jacob's consistent efforts (until he leaves early every year to hone his professional, deep-water fishing skills!) And, oh yes, Joseph's desire to make his "old man" proud (and success at doing so!).

Have I told you all how proud I am of Joseph not only for putting up with me but for playing in the first instance? He wasn't sure he wanted to play this year and I left it up to him. I thank him for playing . . . which allowed me the opportunity to coach . . . which provided me with much happiness and joy. I know you all are equally proud of your boys . . .and that is what I love about this group.

We will miss Dash but I have to believe we sent him off in fine fashion. Thank you all for the coach's gift. While appreciated, it was not necessary. I received the best gift on Saturday by seeing the smiles on those boys' faces after winning the tournament.

And remember . . . "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." -- John Wooden

Enjoy your summer."


Thanks to Shelby Bush for allow us to republish his wonderful end-of-the-season email.

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