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Penn State Publications

Dr. Daniel Perkins, associate professor at Penn State University, has put together three bulletins that help educate everyone on youth sports.

Sports can be a fun and engaging way for children and youth to learn some important lessons about life. Studies suggest that participation in sports can be very beneficial, fostering responsible social behaviors, greater academic success, and an appreciation of personal health and fitness. Participating on a team also can give children or youth an important sense of belonging.

The atmosphere set by organizations, parents, and coaches is a major factor in determining whether or not youth will have a positive experience in a sports program. A "win-at-all-costs" atmosphere can be harmful to a developing youth.

Few children possess the talent to play competitive sports at the highest level and most will not grow up to be professional athletes. Therefore, in this series, we take the perspective that the primary goals of youth sports are to foster the development of general physical competence and to promote physical activity, fun, life skills, sportsmanship, and good health. Sports that foster personal competence help youth develop their abilities to do life planning, to be self-reliant, and to seek the resources of others when needed.

Download the bulletins below.

Monday, 25 August 2003