Team Handout
teamhandout.jpgThis handout is now available free for download, click here to download.   

The start of every season features the ritualistic parent meeting where coaches and parents get to know each other and help shape expectations for the upcoming practices and competitions. Sports Esteem has put together a free handout that coaches and league officials can use to help facilitate introductions and expectations. It includes:
  • Parent Ice Breaker
  • Coaching Philosophies
  • Team Goals
  • Player Goals
  • Team Policies
  • Information on the Role of the Team Activities Coordinator
  • Answers to Frequent Parent Questions
  • 101 Ways to Praise a Child
The Team Handout is an important step in getting parents positively engaged with the team, the coach and the other parents. It helps make parents part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

funcycle.gifSkills Development Cycle
The Team Handout continues educating parents about the youth sports experience by introducing the concept of the Skills Development Cycle. This concept provides a foundation for parents and coaches to create an approach where kids will want to build skills and improve.